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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  May 3, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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she's at the center of the donald sterling fire storm. now his alleged girlfriend is defending him. hear what she says about the infamous audio exchange and what sterling is saying about her. we are not stopping. that is the vow from ukraine with the pro-russian militants from the street and air. the violence is exploding. now, real fears this morning of an all-out sifrl war. >> more deadly than the flu. now this virus is in the u.s. for the very first time.
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take a nice deep breath. you made it to saturday, isn't that nice? i'm happy for you. so is my 2:00 a.m. wake-up call. >> i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. we start with ukraine. more concerns that the country is on the verge of an all-out civil war. the bloody battle is bitting iranian forces against the rebels of odessa. 41 people were killed there when a union hall was set on fire. >> meanwhile, a group of western observers have been freed, we are told. senior international correspondent nick payton walsh is in the city.
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good morning to you. >> thanks. >> i'm in the town where in the last hour 12 osc military observers were released according to the self-declared men of the town. he said it was the arrival of an envoy from the kremlin that meant the release happened, not the negotiation that is happened with the osc delegation for the past eight days during which time they were held in this town. paraded, at one point, in front of the media. it's a complicated moment for an international scandal. those men held despite requested from western governments and marks a good moment for the kremlin. now, surrounded in the town behind me because many of the
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check points that got around it, there are now ukrainian troops. you see a lot of them in number down the road. they told us they pulled back from a bridge where we saw them at yesterday. a lot of aggravation there from local residents. during the night, they said they come under a professional assault there using rocket propelled grenades. the ministry defense confirms two soldiers were killed there and 12 injured. that explains why they pulled back. a helicopter also supporting them. not the level of fire power the military can throw at this town. they are here in number for the first time. the question is, what does that cause in terms of casualties with the residents? if there is bloodshed, that could respond from the kremlin.
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victor, chritsi. >> thank you. i want to apologize for the audio, it was a bit dicey. they are in a panic situation and have to move out of the area for security reasons. >> thank you. the u.s. ambassador to ukraine is calling the actions legitimate. >> reporter: it's ukraine's place to defend their territory. in the face of the instability, the separatist activity that is unfolding in several of the activities we see it as entirely legitimate that ukraine is using defense forces, acting within the framework of international law and the framework of its own constitution to get a handle on the security situation. >> that's the official u.s.
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position. moscow was calling it the last nail in the coffin for the deal agreed to in geneva, switzerland. they called for groups to disarm and vacate the buildings. the woman at the center of the donald sterling scandal has a lot to say and is not shy. she is the woman heard on the audio recording with sterling as he made the statements about african-americans. that triggered this fire storm we now know that has led to sterling's lifetime ban to the nba. >> now, there's a new 20/20 interview with barbara walters. she calls him a close friend and coming to his defense. listen. >> is donald sterling a racist? >> no. i don't believe it in my heart. >> have you heard him say derogatory things about minorities in general? blacks in particular?
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>> absolutely. >> you have heard him say derogatory things? >> yes. >> don't they sound racist to you? >> i think the things he says are not what he feels. >> i'm confused here. >> along with just about everybody else, i think. >> we have joe carter with us. this seems contrary to what would seem the purpose of recording this and what she said on the recording. >> you are asking if i'm surprised about her defending him? is that what you are implying? because i am. i'm surprised. there's a pending lawsuit from his wife saying he used community funds to give her cash, real estate and cars. maybe it's because she's still on the payroll. she feels like now she needs to come to bat for him. the only problem is to hear that
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comment is how does she have the quality indications to assess whether or not he's racist if she can't own up to what she is. she serves as his protector, loves him as a father. i ask, what does that mean? take a look. >> can you tell me what your relationship with donald sterling is? >> i'm mr. sterling's right hand arm man. i'm mr. sterling's everything. i'm his confidant, his best friend, his silly rabbit. >> his what? >> his silly rabbit. >> silly rabbit, is that what he calls you? >> no, i say that. i joke around and make him laugh. i do things that some people find very silly or i do things
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that sometimes he will acceptabilitier in a relationship. i'm his everything. >> she also says she's his personal assistant. when abc news "20/20" titled her as personal assistant because silly rabbit wouldn't make much sense. it's been eight days since the tapes were released. we haven't heard public statement or comeback, if you will, but he did tell an obscure website, i wish i would have just paid her off. that's all we have heard from sterling. another strange twist. >> i wish i would have paid her off. she says he's -- she's everything to him. she's his everything. it doesn't -- it just doesn't make sense.
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we do not know she is the one that released the tapes. there's no confirmation of that, right? >> correct. >> it's her voice, but has not admitted to releasing it. >> just to be clear. >> we are going to talk more about this later. i wish i would have paid her off. we'll talk more about that later on. >> thank you so much. it is the strangest thing. >> this is a story that shocked a lotd of people. this teenager, the plot or alleged plot to attack a minnesota high school. how authorities discovered what they are calling an arson. finding malaysia air 370 involves a second search that, by the way, is thousands of miles from where everybody has been looking up to this point. in pursuit of all things awesome, amazing, and that's epic, bro, we've forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record.
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here. employers added 288,000 jobs, which is the strongest in two years, leading the unemployment rate to fall to 6.3%, the lowest level in 5.5 years, we should point out. professional services saw the most robust growth. there was a strong showing for hiring in retail and construction jobs. >> gun powder, a pressure cooker and chemicals for making a bomb. that's what police say a minnesota teenager managed to get. a written plan to attack his family and his school. this morning, he's in custody. the small town is so grateful for a quick-thinking neighbor who saw something that didn't sit well with her and actually said something. nick valencia is following the story. what else do we know? >> it's a plot from a wannabe
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mass murderer. they saw something and called police. inside the locker was bombing materials, a pressure cooker, steel ball bearings, a gun, ammunition, the resources to carry out an attack and the outline of what he planned to do with those materials. >> his plan was to kill his family members, start a fire, d d distract first responders, kill the resource officer as he responded to help, set fires and shoot students and staff. >> now, on the surface, he appeared to be a typical 17-year-old. he liked heavy metal music, violent movies. it was this journal, this details plan he had to carry out the attack that sets him apart. it shows he had a darker side.
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>> we were talking moment ago about his mother and the relationship. >> we don't know about his connection with his parents. the plot was to kill his sister and grandparents who he had a great relationship. everyone we spoke to said he was a likable guy. >> and he was close to his sister. >> she didn't want to talk about this. confusing moments for her. we did speak to her. we are waiting to hear more. he's in a detention facility. he made remarks and he was transferred to another facility. four counts of attempted first degree murder. he's facing very serious charges, treated as a juvenile right now. that could change at the first court appearance on may 12.
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>> thank god for that student. >> no kidding. day 57 now in the search for flight 370. it now involves a search site that is nowhere near where they have been looking. a lot of people are questioning if this is valid. where is it and why go there? [ female announcer ] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection,
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despite all the doubts, the search for flight 370 is now happening in the gulf. that's thousands of miles from the main search site off the coast of australia. >> we sat down with the leaders of a company who say a plane is under water there and they don't want to be ignored any longer. anna? >> reporter: investigators still
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to find a trace of malaysian flight 370. a company believes they may have found the wreckage in a bay 100 miles off the coast of bangladesh that could be the remains of mh-370. authorities are taking it lightly while others disclaimed it saying it's not true. as the search continues for mh 370 in the southern indian ocean, more than seven weeks after the disappearance, a team of scientists from a mining exploration company believe they may have found the location. >> we are not into making theerties. it is a fact that we guarantee at that location, there are chemical elements that are part of a plane. >> he is convinced through the high-tech imaging from satellites and planes, it has found the remains of an airport
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in the bay of bengal, 190 kilometers off the coast after bangladesh. it's tested for titanium and copper found in a boeing 777. >> the reason is they talk about multispectral imaging. there is none that is going to penetrate 1,000 meters under the ocean. >> reporter: he stands by the findings, but is not prepared to divulge their methodology. >> we plan on taking it. >> reporter: as a result, bangladesh sent two navy boats. they are considering sending vessels to the area, but think it will distract from the real
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search believing the remains are in the indian ocean. back to you. >> thank you. malaysian officials are pushing back saying the initial report on the plane does not go far enough. yesterday, the country's acting minister said investigators have nothing to hide. >> let's talk about this with a safety expert. he was in the come air flight 5191 back in 2008 in lexington, kentucky. thank you so much for being with us. first of all, what do you make -- i'm curious of the australian report, the company that found the wreckage. if they have pictures of it and found it and two ships are there, why have we seen nothing yet? >> i mean, that is the question, right? there's so many problems with this whole newer part of the story. we have talked about all these things, the unknown technology, true capabilities.
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there could be an airplane there. it doesn't necessarily mean it's the malaysia aircraft. there are lost aircraft all over the world, business jet that is are missing. they may have found something like that. what's important as an investigators, scientist, researcher, my point to them is you need to prove it to us in a timely manner. we know where there are crashed airplanes. find those, show us where they are. until you do that, we can't take too seriously your planes. that's what needs to be done before there's any reallocation of additional resources in that area. >> this initial report, five pages long, by comparison of the flight 447 report was more than 120 pages long, released sooner than this one was, after that crash. if the transportation minister says there's nothing to hide, why not release more
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information? >> well, that's a good question. i really don't know. i think part of it is, their inexperience with doing this. i'm not sure who the exact individuals were who wrote this report. i can tell you, when i read the report, what is in there is exactly what i said a week or so ago. there's nothing here. that doesn't necessarily mean there's a problem with the investigation. early in this investigation there isn't anything. it's a collection of facts. what i did notice is there are several areas of interest that were not discussed as far as, you know, the ones that jumped out at me were brief backgrounds on the crew, the pilot and co-pilot, what was on the cargo manifest and if there were deferrals on the aircraft, maintenance items that are inoperative. those are the types of
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information they have on the ground. we don't need the airplane to have that kind of information. that goes into the reports. it wasn't there. i found that unusual. >> yeah, still lots of questions that have not been answered. we have more questions for you. if you can stick around, we'll cobb back to you in the next hour. we have questions about the cambodian air space and more. see you in about an hour. >> talk to you soon. >> thank you. again, the woman at the center of the donald sterling scandal, we are hearing more from her. she's not just defending the troubled nba owner, she's calling herself his best friend and silly rabbit. it keeps getting more and more bizarre. we have it for you. really... so our business can be on at&t's network
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without standard leather. you are feeling exhilarated with front-wheel drive. you are feeling powerful with a 4-cylinder engine. [ male announcer ] open your eyes... to the 6-cylinder, 8-speed lexus gs. with more standard horsepower than any of its german competitors. this is a wake-up call. ♪ 29 minutes past the hour. isn't it time to grab breakfast? >> a cup of tea. >> ease into it. no rush. five things you need to know for your new day. >> in afghanistan, we learned at least 2700 people are feared dead in that massive landslide. local officials say rescuers
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will not dig out hundreds of people buried under the mud and stones and declaring the site a mass grave. they are appealing to organizations to help families evacuated from the area. the death toll in the ferry accident continues to rise. now, at least 236 people are confirmed dead. 66 are still missing. on wednesday, student who is had been on the ferry with hundreds of classmates return to school for the first time since the accident. they visited a memorial for those who died at sea. >> bill gates is no longer microsofts top shareholder. he sold off 8 million shares that puts it ceo steve balmer in the top spot. he put the money into the bill and melinda gates foundation that fights hunger around the world. >> support behind hillary
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clinton if she runs, of course. the encoursement could be a koom. kaine is expected to make a short speech this morning at an event in south carolina. >> finally, number five, a house committee subpoenaed secretary of state john kerry over benghazi. four americans were killed in the libyan city in 2012. an e-mail just released by court order details talking points about the tragedy. that sparked outrage since they failed to release it when ordered. no response from john kerry. em battled clippers owner, donald sterling is not just facing a scandal over his ownership of the franchise. >> now the new york post is reporting he is battling cancer. listen to players reacting to that news thursday night after
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their loss to the warriors. >> that is true, you know, my thoughts and prayers are with him. nobody deserves to go through something like that. >> that's the first i have ever heard of that. that's truly unfortunate. >> didn't know it until just now, you know, i don't have a reaction to that. you know, i hope it's not true. >> the same day of the reports of sterling's cancer came out, the nba's push for him to sell as they voted to move ahead with the process. sterling is not likely to roll over and give up his valuable franchise. a long, long legal battle could be brewing right now. >> donald sterling tells a magazine, quote, i wish i had paid her off, referring to
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stiviano. >> douglas, represented a lawsuit against a former girlfriend. he's got a long history of litigation, sued for sexual harassment and given combative. >> do you have an understanding of what sexual means? >> what does it mean to you? >> sterling won that case. experts say there's at least one legal strategy to use to stall the nba to force him to sell the clippers. it involves his estranged wife. >> distribute the property, which is l.a. clippers are. >> nelson garcia says filing for
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divorce alone isn't a forced sale of the clippers. sterling could try to sue the nba separately, try to make them related and ask for a court order. >> he would file for an injunction against the nba to delay any sale until the divorce or just to have the family distribute that property. >> that means more courts involved, another layer of legal complexity. it could force the sale for two years or longer. he's stalled a forced sale before. in 1982, sterling was heard saying the clippers needed to finish last to draft a top player. a committee of owners voted to remove him for that. sterling later announced his desire to sell the team, that bought him time. a few months later, according to the l.a. times, david stern, who later became commissioner said the league wouldn't pursue it
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any further even though the clipper were in a first class commission. >> can commissioner stern come forward and say why he gave their blessings then. >> reporter: he was traveling and unavailable for comment. as for donald sterling's remarks about paying her off, we couldn't get information on that. earlier, that lawyer said stiviano was not his girlfriend and did not release the tapes. >> let's talk more about the bomb. she said she's his best friend and he is not a racist. here is the interview with barbara walters. >> is donald sterling a racist?
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>> no. i don't believe it in my heart. >> have you heard him say derogatory things about minorities in general and blacks in particular? >> absolutely. >> you have heard him say derogatory things? >> yes. >> don't they sound racist to you? >> i think the things he says are not what he feels. >> i don't get it. i don't get it. >> i don't, either. >> let's bring in jason johnson. she says, on the recording -- >> we don't know where to start. >> i had to pause. she says on the recording, i'm sorry this is how you feel in your heart. i'm sorry this is the way you were raised. there, she says i don't believe it's true. he feels its. >> it's amazing how money changes you. his wife said he's a racist,
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then caught on tape saying he's not a racist. he has a lot of money and influence. everybody is going to change their story. the deeper issue is everybody knows racism is wrong but we don't deny it. you can have donald sterling to bundy say offensive things. if they are not wearing a klan hat, they are not racist. >> is there a fear he may try to give this team to a family friend or something? what are those options, can he do that? >> he can try to do that. the good part is the nba, all the other owners have to approve whoever he sells it to. i don't think he had a chance of selling it to a wife or son. this team is going for almost $1 billion. there's going to be a bidding war. i don't think it's going to family. >> there's a poll out overnight. several questions about the donald sterling controversy.
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one stood out to me. are sterlings views about blacks widespread among prosports owners, among white respon dands, 17% say widespread. 54% black said so. >> it doesn't surprise me. this is about racism is america. a lot of people think you can have offensive opinions and mistreat people. if you are not wearing a white hood and burning crosses, you are not a racist. unfortunately, we see it from voter identification to college applications to shootings in florida. what we think racism is is still a conflict in america. that needs to be solved before these issues can be addressed. >> some people are praising the nba and the players for their reaction to this, putting questions on the owners to sell. others say the reaction was botched. how was the reaction botched? >> i think you have a lot of older generations, sports
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reporters saying this was a weak response. this was not the 1968 olympics in mexico where people put up their fist. they are saying the players gave up a lot of power to adam silver and the organization of the nba owners. i completely disagree. >> what were they supposed to do? they were in the middle of playoffs. >> if you walk off the court saying i'm going to shoot you is not nearly as influential as doing it. i think the threat of walking off the court was more important than them leaving. lebron and chris paul handled it brilliantly behind the scenes. >> what is the next step? we hear from people that he's not going to go, you got me, i'm selling the team. we expect a long fight. will the punishment stand-up legally? >> i think it can. if you take the race out of it and the money out of it, he got kicked out of a club. if you are in a bike club and
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the members say we don't want you anymore, that can stand-up. >> based on something that might have been obtained legally. >> exactly. even if it was obtained illegally, it doesn't change the fact they can state we don't want you here anymore. he has a long history. the question is, when does the team get sold and what role does cancer play in delaying this. >> jason johnson, always good to talk to you. love your perspective. thank you for being here. have you heard about this deadly virus from the middle east that spread to the u.s. it's here for the first time now. health officials are racing against the clock to contain it. up next, what you need to know to protect yourself. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there.
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a deadly virus from the middle east spread to the u.s. for the first time. it's called mers. >> a man was hospitalized after he began experiencing symptoms. now, officials are trying to figure out how he contracted the virus. dr. sanjay gupta has more for us. >> we are getting more details about what happened here. this is an american, he's a health care worker. he was in saudi arabia working in that capacity. back on april 24th, flew back through london and chicago and a bus to indiana. there's several stops along the way. it was three days later he began
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to get ill and a day later, he was in the hospital in isolation. right now, federal workers are looking at the people who were on the airplanes and the bus. contact tracing, it's called, to see if anyone else is getting ill. this gentleman is doing well, he's stable and just on oxygen. we don't know where the virus comes from or how it spreads. it could come from camels. three quarters of the camels tested in saudi arabia have the virus. they have found the virus itself in camels. could it be camel meat, camel milk, camel spit, the droppings, we don't know. a lot of people think of sars. that was a virus that is similar. it spread around the world. it appeared to be more easily transmissable. it goes back and forth between
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humans. it's lethal. it kills about a third of people it infects. this gentleman appears to be recovering well, is in isolation. back to you. >> some good news there. dr. sanjay gupta, thank you. >> i bet you might be waiting for the race to the triple crown, right? it is on. it's derby day in louisville, kentucky. we are taking you live to the action. stay close.
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it is time to break out the big hats and mint jewel ups. >> is there ever a bad time for the mint julip? the big event is about to kick off. we have the celebrities, the royalty and the thoroughbreds lining up. francheska is live in louisville with the countdown to post time. one jockey has a chance to make history today. >> reporter: that's right. the one that finished closest, she was fifth last year. she's been breaking records all over the place. she won kentucky oaks two years ago and yesterday. she won the louisiana derby, the first woman to do so. she won this year on a horse in trouble. that's the horse she's riding
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today in the kentucky derby. trained by mike maker, his assistant training is her husband. they have been on the same team for a long time in the derby. he's not a favorite and has an inside post position. she's going to have to be at her very best to navigate the winning position today. >> i know who you are going to put your money on. >> i don't know that i will. the horses name is vick is in trouble and he's not a favorite? >> well, that's true. >> okay. all right. >> a lot of well fancied horses. >> okay, we see that you are all dolled up, you look beautiful. what are fans and crowds going to expect today? i understand the forecast is going to do well for you. >> yeah, the forecast is going to be absolutely beautiful. it's pretty early here. the sun is coming up. when it really gets going it's
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going to be a gorgeous afternoon. the temperature is going to be 74 degrees. perfect conditions for the horses and the fans. they are expecting 160,000 people here today. people come not just for the brilliant racing they have on display here but also the social aspect and of course the fashion. lots of beautiful ladies dressed in brilliant big hats. they are expecting, on average 120,000 mint juleps get consumed. pretty interesting scenes later. >> we're looking forward to it. we see some of them there now. good to see you this morning. thank you, have fun. >> vick is in trouble. >> we say that here all the time. >> i prefer the older, more popular, vick is doing all right. that's where i'm putting my money. >> donald sterling, the story becomes more bizarre.
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that picture alone. >> yes. talk about this. you love this game. more than your wife... more than your kids... more than your own mother... but does the game... love you? who cares? you get to stay at this golf resort!
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citracal maximum. calcium citrate plus d. highly soluble, easily absorbed. some have compared it to a welders mask. you never see their faces. one of those. others call it paparazzi kryptonite. >> look at it for yourself and you decide. whatever it is, donald sterling's alleged girlfriend is getting attention for her latest choice in head gear. the only thing more peculiar is her reaction to a reporter in l.a. who asked her about it.
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listen. >> did you know he was fighting prostate cancer? >> where are they from? banana republic. >> why are you wearing a shield? >> why are you holding a microphone? >> it's my job. >> well, then, it's my job. [ laughter ] >> that's all she's got. that's all we all have right now. >> let's get more from jeanne moos. >> it's been the elephant in the room, make that the elephant on donald sterling's alleged girlfriend's face. >> i'm trying to walk my dog. >> in that? we can't see through it, but we can marvel at it. stylish visor or eyesore. >> what is that? >> is she a beekeeper? >> that's the bees knees and you know it. >> am i the only one that likes
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this visor? it's the ultimate in privacy. are you kidding me? >> able to block the shot of any photographer. her visor has been compared to a welder's mask or what serial murder dexter wears to protect from blood spatter. folks are having a ball equating it to "space balls." you know what this needs? >> what? >> windshield wipers. on a rainy day not suited for a solar shield, they did best to pay me no mind. there was the occasional double take, the lingering stair. it's believed it was first poplarized by women in china worried about sunburning fare skin. do you think it's a good look? >> no. >> not a good look. >> very punk. >> over here. ♪
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>> reporter: we were lucky enough to get our solar shield overnighted from amazon for $29 plus shipping. >> one size fits most. even a cnn cleek was confused. >> is that a spit guard? >> reporter: she chose to cover her head. that's woody harrelson hiding from the paparazzi. lady gaga is aulsz covered in something and michael jackson didn't just cover himself, he covered his kids. as for v. stiviano, we don't know if she's planning to drop her own visor line. >> not recommended for driving. >> there she is in her ferrari. the head band can extend. when she gets bored with the
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visor, we recommend this. gene moos, cnn, new york. >> she knows how to bring it. >> thank you for starting your morning with us. >> the next hour of "new day" starts right now. >> violence boils over in ukraine in the bloodest stand off so far. as the body count rises, so do fears of an all-out civil war. >> she says he owes the nation an apology. he says he should have just paid her off. donald sterling and his alleged girlfriend speaking out for the first time. >> trashing, some would say, ribbing, president obama straight to his face. believe it or not, that's one man's job tonight. >> do you think this gives you a respectability that you didn't
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have before? >> absolutely not. >> all right. keep it right here. maybe you are in bed. that's fine. lay there and enjoy the morning. it's only 7:00 on a saturday morning. >> who says the teeth are brushed at this hour? most folks have the breath from last night and it's all right with us. i'm victor blackwell, it's 4:00 on the west coast. this is "new day saturday." the women in the sterling scandal is speaking out. v. stiviano is speaking out. it triggered a fire storm. >> she's speaking in this new 20/20 interview with barbara walters. she calls sterling a close friend and is coming to his defense now. listen. >> is donald sterling a racist?
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>> no. i don't believe it in my heart. >> have you heard him say derogatory things about minorities in general and blacks in particular? >> absolutely. >> you have heard him say derogatory things? >> yes. >> don't they sound racist to you? i think the things he says are not what he feels. >> well, what v. stiviano started during this recording, the nba owners are expected to end. they will vote on whether the 80-year-old billionaire should be forced to sell the clippers. >> many say it's a done deal. challenging sterling could put the owners in a bad light. deborah research some of that for us. >> reporter: it is arguably one
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of the most elite clubs in the world. 30 nba team owners, about half self-made billionaires. one a russian finance year. another head of a mortgage lender. some have broadcast interests or made a fortune in technology. others have lots and lots of real estate. there's a handful of bankers and at least one former basketball player, one industrial machine dealer and one owner of a popular cruise line. all are expected to vote on the fate of disgraced clippers owner, donald sterling, including sterling himself. mark specializes in sports law and antitrust. >> it's ego. it's fantasy basketball with billions of dollars at stake. >> reporter: the owners have not said where or when they will vote or whether they will meet in person when the time comes. >> is it possible sterling could bring up issues on other owners
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that makes them more fit than me to run a team? >> as a matter of comparison, he could or attempt to. mark cuban said, it's a matter of a slippery slope. >> reporter: turned up courtside in 2013 while passengers on a carnival cruise suffered days without food. rich devos was criticized for anti-gay comments. others accused of extramarital activities. that is not grounds for terminating an nba team owner. regardless of whether sterling fights back or not, if forced to sell, after taxes, he will end up hundreds of millions of dollars richer from the $12 million investment. as for the new owners, whoever it is, whether it's oprah or david gepen or magic johnson, a name change may be the first
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order of business. >> the clippers csignified with losing and racism. whoever buys it, my gut is not going to take that with them, they will start anew. >> reporter: the owners said they support the move to kick donald sterling out. it will take 75% of them to vote in favor of that move. however, if history is a gauge, donald sterling is likely to fight back. it is going to be a very interesting battle. >> deb in new york for us. thank you. >> all right. we need to talk about what's happening in ukraine where the escalating violence is stoking more concerns this hour. the country is on the verge of an all-out civil war. these are some of the latest
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pictures. the bloody battles against pro-russian rebels spread to the port city of odessa. four people were killed in street fighting there. 31 others were killed when a union hall was set on fire. a group of observers have now been freed. the chief national security correspondent has more for us. jim, good morning. >> christi and victor, the situation on the ground is dee ti deteriorating fastly. now the u.s. administration set a new standard for sector wide sanctions against russia. that is the continuation of disruption like this that interfere with ukrainian schedules from may 25th. the outlook to improvement is not good. every day, ukraine looks more and more like a country at war.
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here, residents cheer after two ukrainian helicopters are shot down both pilots killed. here, prorussian militants clash with ukrainian police. the new violence comes as ukrainian forces launch their efforts to push prorussian militants from one eastern city that slipped from their control. ethnic russians resisted, blocking tanks and demanding they not go further. struggling to devise the policy, president obama met with german chancellor angela merkel in washington. they set a trigger for sanctions against russia. any interference with crucial elections later this month. >> if, in fact, we see the disruptions and the destabilization continuing so
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severely that it impedes elections on may 25th, we will not have a choice but to move forward with additional, more sbe severe sanctions. >> reporter: banking sectors were reserved for a full scale invasion. russia remains undeterred. ukraine's military operations in the east scuttle a deal reached in geneva. they called for an emergency session of the u.n. security council to highlight the threats to russians inside the ukraine. the eastern yup piano allies, nato is now considering expanding military xeer sizes in the region. chuck hagel said, all members of the alliance, not just the u.s. must share the burden. >> we must not squander this opportunity or shrink from this challenge. we will be judged harshly by history and by future
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generations, if we do. >> reporter: the administration is pushing back hard against a narrative you are hearing from officials. ethnic russians in eastern ukraine are somehow under threat and the armed militants you see are peaceful protesters. the president saying, quote, generally local protesters don't possess missiles to shoot down helicopters. >> jim, thank you so much. >> there's this teenager who was caught with this alleged plan to attack his family and school. maybe you have heard about this. also his arsenal to carry it out. now, he is making new threats. >> the job market, boy did that pick up steam with the best hiring numbers in years. the economy, that, as a whole, is far from healed. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses.
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a teenager accused of plotting to kill his family and people at school is making new threats. he made death threats to staff at the juvenile facility. they uncovered a spot along with guns to pull it off. a quick-thinking neighbor saw him acting strangly and called police. he is charged with four counts of murder. >> the american economy is gaining steam. the latest jobs reports show 288,000 jobs added to the payrolls. that's the strongest gains in two years. that pushed the unemployment rate to the lowest level. there's a downside. >> michelle kaczynski is
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following this. what did president obama have to say about it? >> this was interesting. president obama started his press conference by talking about american jobs growth. but, he did have a caveat. >> grit and determination of the american people are moving us forward. we have to keep a relentless focus on job creation and creating more opportunities for working families. >> reporter: that is because even though the numbers look great, 288,000 private sector jobs added last month, enough to lower the unemployment rate down a half percentage to 6.3%, the lowest it's been in years. part of that is because so many americans, nearly 1 million of them left the job market either from leaving their jobs or by giving up looking for one. that is enough to cut out a chunk of the growth we saw in the first quarter. another reason some economists are not thrilled is because
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wages have stayed flat. overall, many do believe this is very good news. when you look at larger unemployment data which includes those people who have given up looking for a job and people working part time, but went to work more hours. those numbers are the lowest they have been in some 20 years. also, president obama took a chance to hit out at congress for not acting to raise the minimum wage. >> michelle kaczynski, thank you very much. >> day 57 and no sign of malaysia flight 370. right now, bangladesh ships are searching thousands of miles from the original search area. what they found, why they are there and why some say this is a distraction despite the search. ♪
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it's been almost two months since malaysia airlines flight 370 disappeared. so far, not a single piece of debris has been found in the indian ocean. >> it is baffling to everybody. thousands of miles away, two bangladesh ships are searching the bay of bengal after a ship found traces of a plane under water. not necessarily the plane, but a plane. so far, a search of the region showed up nothing. >> it's highly unlikely the
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boeing 777 went down there, but the possibility is not being ruled out. >> meanwhile, malaysia and china are meeting to discuss the future of the search. where do you go from here? >> malaysia is dismissing the claims they have not been forthcoming with information. they faced pushback after information on the planes disappearance was made public. >> it must be stressed the report published is a preliminary report. i stressed from the beginning, we have nothing to hide. >> cnn safety analyst and airline accident investigator are with us. thank you for being was. this report was five pages long. that was it. there were obviously some -- there were sol overt absences in this. no information about the plane's maintenance history. no information about the engine
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performance data. no information on air traffic control staffing. are we ever going to get that information and how pivotal is it to this investigation, david? >> well, right now the preliminary report is designed to have the facts, just the things pertinent to the investigation itself. remember, they don't have aircraft records. if they had records, they would describe the wreckage, the twisted metal, where the aircraft landed, specifically. that sort of thing. because they don't have that information, i don't expect much more than what's in the report. i don't think there's anything missing except there's crucial things mentioned all along, for example, the telephone connection that was made during the subsequent hours of the flight. a couple other pieces of information about where they got specific information. so, there are a few things missing. it doesn't indicate there's
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anything being hidden, which is what the families are accusing the malaysian government of. >> what about the basic information like maintenance records, as you said? conversations that might have been had? engine performance data? >> we should expect more than that. how preliminary is acceptable on day 57? >> this is exactly the problem. i think that -- i agree with what david says. i think there should have been more in there. i find it baffling. i don't know why they didn't put that information in there. we don't need wreckage to have some of that information. the background of the crew has been put out by the media. i was surprised not to see it in the report. cargo, what cargo was on board the airplane and deferrals, i think would be exceptionally interesting and surprised it's not on there. all this information is ground
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based. it was all available and should have been in the report. >> let's point this out. at 2:03 a.m., malaysia airline confirmed it was over cambodia air space based on exchange of signals. the airline later revised the message saying that information was based on an automated flight tracking system. how do you confuse those two? >> the operations, remember, is getting information. their job, operations is to anticipate. their job is to find out what is coming in, what information do they have, where is the next leg and how do we prepare for it? is there something we need to do? they are always thinking ahead. the same thing happened with flight 447. when it was reported missing, they anticipated it was further along. you get dots, progress reports saying here is where it's going to be next. when you first get the call, they say where is the airplane, it's here.
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that's where they expected it to be. because it wasn't there raised flags. that was part of the flight following and flight emergency process they have. >> we learned it was a four hour gap. there was a four-hour gap between the last communication with the pilots and atc and sending jets up, the military to look for flight 370. how richard quest says that some time span or gap is acceptable. how agregregious is four hours? >> four hours is too long. you have to understand that, you know, why that might have gone that way. i suspect what happened is, first of all, there's this, you know, when you lose track of an airplane, when operation center loses track of an airplane, an airplane accident is not the first thing that comes to mind. there's many other reasons why you might lose track of an
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airplane. especially in oceanic operations, going from one country to another, maybe an hour or two hours. you are making phone calls, talking to air traffic control, calling different facilities, trying to find the aircraft. there's going to be a certain investment in time. at the two hour mark and the aircraft hasn't shown up, we are starting to get, you know, really much more concerned. even coordinating a rescue effort or making those phone calls and getting those forces mobilized eats up another chunk of time. so, four hours, yeah, that's a pretty long time. it's not -- i think what's important for the viewer to understand is when an airplane disappears or appears to be not on track, this is not a ten minute event. it takes many hours to figure this out. to convince yourself, have they really lost this airplane or is there a technological
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explanation why this might be. >> sean, david, like with many chapters in this story, this presents more questions. thank you both for giving us answers. >> thank you, victor. >> thanks, gentlemen. we have a look at the epic legal battle that could be brewing if don sterling wants to go after the nba's wishes against him and keep his multimillion dollar franchise. can he even do it? jeff... hey, scott!
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hopefully the coffee is doing its job this morning. 7:30, this morning. >> number one, in afghanistan, at least 2700 people are feared dead in this massive landslide. look at the pictures we are getting here. rescuers will not dig out hundreds of people buried under the stones and mud and declaring the site a mass grave. they are appealing to organizations. >> number two, a deadly virus
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from the middle east spread to the u.s. for the very first time. the cdc says a man from indiana contracted the mers virus, middle east respiratory syndrome. the man recently returned from a trip to audi arabia and has been isolated. the virus poses a low risk to the general public. >> number three, a house xhit tee subpoenaed john kerry over documents regarding benghazi. four people were killed in 2012. an e-mail released by court order the detailed talking points sparked outrage among republicans since the state department failed to release it when initially ordered. no response from john kerry. virginia senator, kain is throwing his support to hillary clinton if she runs. it could be a boom for clinton.
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kaine was president obama's supporter. he's enthusiastically praising credentials of mrs. clinton at an event in south carolina. after ben affleck banned from the hard rock hotel in las vegas because he's too good at blackjack. >> he's too good. >> this is according to a source close to the star. he was kicked out for card counting. no word that was the case. the casino has not commented to cnn. >> em battled clippers owner donald sterling is not just facing a scandal over his ownership of the franchise, the new york post is claiming he is battling cancer. listen to players reacting to the news after their loss to the golden state warriors. >> if that is true, you know, my thoughts and prayers are with
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him. nobody deserves to go through something like that. >> yeah, that's the first i have ever heard of that and it's truly unfortunate. >> didn't know it until just now. you know, i don't have a reaction to that. you know, i hope it's not true. >> the same day, reports of sterlings cancer broke, the nba's push to force him to sell the clippers took another step. a committee of ten owners voted to move ahead with the process. a professor of sports at georgetown university and scott from bloomburg sports. good to have both of you this morning. >> hi. >> morning gentlemen. >> good morning. >> sterling knows what he's doing in the courtroom, of course. he's had a long history of contentious litigation. could we have seen just the start of a massive legal battle?
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>> it's really up to donald sterling. nobody has a good sense of what he wants to do at this point. i think we are in for a long legal battle. i think this is going to be messy. it's unfortunate for fans and the league. i think he will fight this. >> i want to ask you a question that we talked about a bit ago. what is the plausibility that he would try to sell to a family member or to a friend? >> well, i don't know if he'll be able to sell to a friend, but a family member and try to keep it within the family. again, it's up to what the league wants to do. it depends on how many owners are on board with trying to remove him. that is another question that is anybody's best guess. some owners may not want to go along with this because it would set up precedent with them and they may not want to go down that slope. >> what did commissioner silver
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get right in this? there are some people who question the strength of the response from the league and the players. what did he get right and did you see mistakes here? >> the most parent thing he got right is, as the commissioner he has support of the players. he listened. there was something a contentious relationship. he's player friendly. he consulted lebron james when they were uncomfortable. he's willing to listen to input. the players were thrilled he took their thaukts into account. >> there's a new cbs/new york times poll. most persons, 55% think the lifetime ban was the right move. 25% think it's too harsh. 9% think it's too lenient. public opinion to keep pressure on the nba to push this thing
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through? >> i think it's that same poll that says the public is for the suspension but not as much or actually stripping him of ownership. the public is divided on the question of ownership. you know, it's an interesting question. this is not the government coming in. this is the group of owners, this cartel of owners. we want sterling in the club or not. most don't. he's toxic for the brand and the league. the public, they will try to appease the public. at the end of the day, they are worried about the bottom line for their franchise and the league. >> newt gingrich, host of "crossfire" here on cnn thought the team should be sold to the fans, a non-profit like the green bay packers. what do you think of that? >> it's nice to throw out there.
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it's not going to happen. this team needs steady stewardship going forward. the best hands are a deep pocketed owner with limited partners like you saw with the oprah winfrey group. that is the way the league is going to go. they will do everything to strip the team from sterling, whether he tries to sell to a family member. they want it out of his hands. they would like to have say in where it goes. might they let sterling control the sale? let him be the one to sell it, but they are going to monitor closely. they want to know who is going to own the team, moving forward. >> is the sale to a family member enough of a clean start? >> no, they will never let it happen. three quarters must approve an owner transfer. donald moving it to a family member and having a say in how the franchise is run. they want him totally removed
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from any and all operation of the team. >> brian and scott, thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> thanks, guys. >> thank you. hundreds of girls kidnapped and outraged that the government has not done enough to save them. social media is making a difference in nigeria. it's where this is happening. we have that story for you. s we. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection,
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41 minutes past the hour. really absorb this. your daughter is kidnapped. the authorities know who did it
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and still, she is not back in your arms after more than a week. this is the experience hundreds of families in nigeria and secretary of state, john kerry, a short while ago said the united states is ready to intervene and help. >> let me be clear, the kidnapping of hundreds of children is a bad crime. we will support the nigerian government to return these young women to their homes. >> now the nigerian families are going to twitter, facebook to get the story out. it's making a difference. >> reporter: the streets of nigeria are teaming with protesters. furious that their government isn't doing more to find close to 200 schoolgirls kidnapped in the dead of night. >> i'm a young mother. i can't imagine it.
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it's disheartening, shocking. >> reporter: militants with an islamist group seized the girls in a northeast corner of the country, a hot bed for the group. they were designated a terrorist group last november. they originally took 230 girls into a dense forest along the nigerian border. this young girl was among a few dozen who managed to escape. >> translator: my friends and i jumped from the vehicle and realized they don't look innocent to us. >> reporter: there are still 200 girls in captivity. they have been forced to join islam and sold as child brides for $12 each. >> slavery, moreover, it's sexual slavery. >> reporter: this is the latest horror from horan. they try to establish a radical islamist state.
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the nigerian government says they are committed to freeing the girls, but the inability to do it pushed locals to social media. #bringbackourgirls has gotten a global response. >> this became an important way to connect not just with other nigerians in the u.s. and around the world, but also to get the word out about what was really happening with the kidnapping of the girls. >> reporter: she is an associate professor of religion at the university of pennsylvania. >> marches have begun. it's a different day. a lot of people in nigeria are on board. the government may not be, but the people are. >> reporter: more protests are planned across the united states. a rally at the nigerian embassy in washington, d.c., is set for tuesday. jake tapper, cnn, washington. >> we have clarity on the
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numbers here. the total number that we are getting from authorities in nigeria, 276 girls, who were kidnapped last month. 53 of them escaped. that leaves us of a number of 223 still missing. >> speaking of families who have our thoughts and prayers lately, in south korea, look at this new cell phone video. this is so hard. it captures it terrifying final moments inside the ferry as it goes over. >> the student who shot it is one who died on board. she can be heard calling out for help comparing it to the titanic. she says, we're doomed. i think i should leave the last words before i die. the video cuts off shortly after. so far, 236 people are confirmed dead in that situation.
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66 still missing from the sewol. amanda knox is talking about what she call as wrongful conviction and why she says she will never really be free from this. cnns exclusive interview, next. cut! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring]
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for you and your life, is it present day? are you able to be present in this day or are you still trapped in 2007? >> it is definitely a limbo. my entire adult life has been weighed down and taken over by this tremendous mess. this -- this -- i mean, on the one hand, i have my life in seattle. i get to go to school. i get to be with my family, my friends, and i'm so grateful to have them. they really help me get through this. and to know there are people who believe me. and on the other hand, there's this huge weight and this huge struggle and trying to learn each step of the way what's so wrong and how i can fix it.
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and i guess -- i guess i'm just -- i guess i'm just one of the lucky ones. >> how so? >> because i'm actually -- i'm actually supported by people and people have looked into my case as opposed to have forgotten me. >> if the case is affirmed by the supreme court, if you are found guilty in final fashion and the united states decides not to extradite. you can live here in the united states, but you will never been free. >> no, that's not a livable -- that's not -- especially since right now me and raphaelle are
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fighting for our innocence. it is only speculation that convicts us. it is evidence that acquits us. i'm holding firm to that. and hopes that what you are suggesting might happen doesn't. >> you are holding out hope? >> yeah. >> well, legal experts say it is unlikely that knox will be extradited to italy. >> i have nothing to hide. i have a clear conscious. i didn't do anything wrong. >> sollecito's attorney said the latest conviction will be appealed. let's turn to washington
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now. a lot of serious people will be in the room laughing at this man's expense. cnn will carry the star-studded event live. will the president be able to hold his own with the celebrity headliner? okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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from the state of the union to stand-up spotlight all in a day's work.
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president obama will dust off his comedy when the white house correspondents' dinner. >> will the leader of the world go toe-to-toe with the entertainer. erin mcpike joins us from washington. what is this schtick from joel mchale? >> reporter: joel mchale was just on cnn yesterday and addressed that with jake tapper. >> how does one prepare for the white house correspondents dinner? >> i'll stick strictly to kardashians and a lot of e! girls club. >> you think this crowd watches? >> definitely. i think they love "the real housewives of atlanta." i think it is universal. can you relate? >> no. >> reporter: that may be a good
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idea because several years ago, stephen colbert, he actually was the comic relief for dinner during the bush administration and made a lot of jokes about president bush and that fell flat into the room. may be a good idea to leave jokes about the president up to the president himself. >> we know the president was outside the white house with german chancellor angela merkel. very focused on the crisis in ukraine. it does make you wonder how the transition is going to go from something so pivotal like that to something, i guess, supposed to be funny and nonsensecal. >> reporter: the dinner is to award white house correspondents for their coverage. here at cnn, jake tapper won an
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award at the dinner three years running. and our own brianna keilar will receive one of the awards tonight. it is to award scholarships who hope to document the white house and hold future presidents accountable. in 2011, to answer your question, donald trump was at the dinner and president obama yukked it up and made fun of him hours before the raid that killed osama bin laden. he is able to multitask very well. we know that. >> all right. >> also an opportunity for journalists to meet famous people. >> and congratulations to brianna keilar. >> and jake. >> erin mcpike in washington, thank you so much. >> reporter: of course. thank you for spending time with us. >> the next hour of your "new day saturday" starts now.
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>> we are not stopping. that is the vow from ukraine as it battles pro-russian militants from the street and from the air. the violence there, you can see here, is explodinexploding. now real fears are growing of an all out civil war. and this woman is at the center of the donald sterling firestorm. now his alleged girlfriend, she is talking and she's talking a lot. hear what v. stiviano says about the audio exchange and what sterling is saying about her. both are princes, one the future king of england, but this weekend, william and harry visit another king's mansion in memphis and eager fans get their glimpse at graceland. if you are just joining us, welcome. 8:00 on saturday morning.
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hope you are bright-eyed and bushy tailed. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. it is 8:00 in the east coast. the country of ukraine is on the verge of an all-out civil war. this is in odessa. hundreds of miles from where we have seen the fights in donetsk. four people were killed in street fighting there. 31 others were killed at union hall when it was set on fire. >> as you can see there, these are some of the latest pictures we are getting in. we have learned that the group of western observers have been freed. our senior correspondent arwa damon is there.
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what is happening at this hour? >> reporter: as you were saying, the osce members finally freed after negotiations were facilitated by a russian envoy. release happening a short while ago. they were saying they had been treated well so far. they were held and picked up on the 25th of april. previously one of their other members had been released. a man who was diabetic. all of the other signs on the ground are ominous. there has been more fighting and clashes happening as the military moved in from the city of slavyonstk. at least 46 people killed in odessa after declaring three
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days of mourning. the outlook for ukraine looks grim at this stage. >> arwa, ukraine is three weeks out from national elections now. are ukrainian leaders optimistic they will make that goal, that deadline? or will the next three weeks be an approach to the all-out civil war that we discussed? >> reporter: there is a lot that could happen between now and then. there is also the referendum that the pro-russian camp is holding on may 11th. preparations underway for that. you have the united states and european nations saying if it seems if the presidential elections are not going to be held or if there is some sort of interference with them, they will slap more sanctions on russia. so far, sanctions have had little impact. it remains a multilayered and volatile situation with a lot of cards that could potentially be
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played by all sides that could worsen the situation. the key issue here, of course, would be to ideally bring the parties to the negotiating table, but there are no steps to that. instead, all sides are polarized in the positions. the growing concern is as the ukrainian military steps up operations, what is russia going to do with the troops perched along the border. >> arwa damon, we appreciate you bringing us the latest. last week at this time, we did not know her name. this week, you know the woman at the center of the donald sterling scandal. she wants you to learn more. >> v. stiviano is her name. she is heard on the audio recording with sterling as he makes the inflammatory statements over african-americans. it led to sterling's lifetime
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ban from the nba. in a new interview with barbara walters, stiviano calls sterling a close friend. she is coming to his defense. listen. >> is donald sterling a racist? >> no. i don't believe it in my heart. >> have you heard him say derogatory things about minorities in general and blacks in particular? >> absolutely. >> you heard him say derogatory things? >> yes. >> don't they sound racist to you? >> i think the things he says are not what he feels. >> stiviano also tells barbara walters that her relationship with donald sterling is not romantic, but it may confuse more people than clarifies or confirms anything for anyone. let's go to cnn's deborah
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feyerick. deborah, she's black, she is mexican. she is mixed and you're in love with me. this is a contradiction. >> reporter: victor, it goes to the idea what is is. the wife says the two were engaged in a sexual relationship. that is how the wife characterized the relationship in the lawsuit she filed against the girlfriend. if you listen to friends, v. stiviano, she worked for donald sterling. however, there is more audio and even video showing the two definitely had an inappropriate relationship and that woman who saw the tape said it makes both of them look very, very bad. however, v. stiviano defining it saying she was never his girlfriend. she was his archivist and keeping track of the things he
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was saying. she describes the relationship as his personal assistant. take a listen. >> can you tell me what your relationship with donald sterling is. >> i'm mr. sterling's right-hand arm man. i'm mr. sterling's everything. i'm his confidante. his best friend. his silly rabbit. >> his what? >> his silly rabbit. >> is that what he calls you? >> no. i call myself. i joke around and i make him laugh. i do things that some people find very silly or i do things that sometimes people cannot understand the relationship. i'm his everything. >> reporter: according to a friend, they traveled a lot together. they had gone to new orleans.
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they were usually side by side. v. stiviano and donald sterling. they spent a good deal of time together. donald sterling recently told a magazine that he should have, quote, paid her off. those are the words he used in the l.a. magazine. the question of exactly what is going on here, v. stiviano doesn't believe that donald sterling is racist. she believes he should apologize. >> deb feyerick, personal archivis archivist, she says. deb, thank you. the families of the missing flight 370, are fed up. investigators say they now have nothing to hide. we will check in with will ripley in kuala lumpur.
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he has new information this morning on the search for flight 370. and a teenager's plot to attack the high school and family. how authorities found his arsenal and the new threats he is making this morning. ake an rst set out on our own, we ate anything. but in time you realize the better you eat, the better you feel. these days we both eat smarter. and i give jake purina cat chow naturals. made with real chicken and salmon, it's high in protein like a cat's natural diet. and no added artificial flavors. we've come a long way. and whatever's ahead, we'll be there for each other. naturally. purina cat chow naturals. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira helping me lay the groundwork.
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the expedia app helps you save with mobile-exclusive deals download the expedia app text expedia to 75309 expedia, find yours new information just in to us on the search for missing malaysia flight 370. we have learned that three bangladeshi ships are searching for it in the bay of bengal. they think they are on to something. >> let's get to cnn's will ripley in kuala lumpur. will, what is the justification for adding the third ship. is there a lead they are following up? >> reporter: there was no explanation other than it was one line in this press release from the office of the acting malaysian transport minister. three naval ships from
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bangladesh in the search area. to date, nothing has been found. what this says is there are ships searching the area. i believe the malaysian officials feel that is the sufficient number of resources in the bay of bengal to check out this lead. when you listen to the tone of the press conference here on friday, in kuala lumpur, there was a lot of skepticism. you heard the acting transport minister, while bangladeshi ships are checking this out, if they acceptsend for resources, would cost time and money. he agrees with the australian chief angus houston that it would cost more. three ships, including a survey ship, which has side-scan sonar technology searching in the bay of bengal. this is much more shallow. it is about 1,000 meters or one
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kilometer deep. it is easier to do the scan or search. you don't need the bluefin-21 or other vehicles dispatched off the coast of western australia. >> we know on monday we know there is a trilateral meeting to determine where the search goes from here. have they given you any indication of what is expected? >> reporter: we know that the malaysian delegation is flying from here, we believe, tomorrow to be in australia on monday. there is a delegation from china. getting together to discuss the next phase of the search. it came out on friday that they were saying this could take up to a year and cost $60 million u.s. what this meeting is about deciding how the money will be spent. what we sources will they bring in and which private contractors will they hire. here, they are discussing which technology is available to send
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there. obviously similar discussions for china and australia. this is what is happening monday after they hash out details. they will hold a joint news conference. we could expect details on the next phase of the search then. >> we look forward to that. will ripley in kuala lumpur. thanks. >> we have miles o'brien and peter gould joining us on where the investigation is headed. >> peter, let's talk about the search in the bay of bengal. the survey ship in that area. what do you say? waste of resources or worth the search? >> well, it is a waste of resources and miles has been one of the leaders in identifying this company as being a scammer. there is no discussion on the scientific blogs or community that there is any technology that could do what they
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promoted. at this stage, because they have come up with no wreckage or solid evidence of where the plane is, you have to respond to everything like this. >> all right. so miles, what is your take on that? i know you think it is a lost cause, but they have absolutely nothing else to go on, do they? >> that's true, but you really in a world of limited resources, it is really important to stick with where the evidence leads you. yes, they haven't found anything yet. if you look at the real evidence, the inmarsat pings and the aircraft which gives us an idea on the planet we are in a giant circle coupled with the noise on the pingers on the black boxes that were presumably heard a week or so ago or two
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weeks ago, those two things are true hard evidence. this red herring and wild goose chase in the bay of bengal has no technical support. there is no scientist in the imagery world who says this can happen. there is no technology that makes this possible. the problem is when you talk about moving resources away from the real search, that is what i get upset about. bangladesh was not involved in the search. they want to check it out. i have no problems for that. no problem for the families to run down every lead. when it is talk of the malaysians to move the resources to the bay of bengal, that's when i got upset. >> miles, for weeks now, you have been calling for the malaysians to release the air traffic control recordings. they now released them. what have you heard? anything stand out to you? >> no, it is all routine stuff.
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it is nice to hear what happened on the ho chi mengh side of things. there was previously some staticy response from the aircraft. the report says that did not occur. nevertheless, it would be nice to hear the efforts to reach the aircraft so we understand and have a full picture. it is routine conversations. you know, that makes me wonder why they waited so long to release it. they could have released this a couple of days after the incident. there is nothing in there that will get in the way of any sort of criminal investigation if that is why they held on to it. what we are dealing with is a culture of secrecy and there is not a real pattern or tradition of releasing things to the public. that pattern has persisted to this day. it is a five-page report, more than 50 days after the incident.
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if it were not for richard quest forcing the prime minister to release the supplemental documents, we would have been disappointed with the report. >> miles o'brien and peter goelz, we appreciate you gentlemen getting up in the morning and talking to us about this. thank you for sharing your opinions and thoughts. we appreciate it. a teenager has been caught in an alleged plot to attack his family and his school and he has the weapons to make it happen apparently. >> now authorities say he is making new threats. he is doing this from inside his detention center. we will let you know what we learned here. stay close. marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips.
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22 after the hour now. gun powder, pressure cooker, chemicals or a bomb. that is what police say a minnesota teenager managed to an mass along with a written plan to attack his family and school. >> this morning, that teen is in custody. reportedly making new threats there while a small town, meanwhile, is grateful for the quick thinking neighbor who saw something strange and said something about it. nick valencia is following the story. >> he tried to threaten a counselor at a facility to choke her and kill her with a telephone cord. that led him to be transferred to another facility. it is unclear how john david ladue carried out this alleged plot. he is waiting a may 12th court appearance. john ladue appeared to be a
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typical teenager. the facebook page showing the typical teenager playing a guitar. the list of his favorite movies, dominated by blood and gore. not so different from any others his age. ladue had a darker fascination. and in a journal, the high school junior, allegedly detailed his deadly plan for committing mass murder. >> his plan was to kill his family members and start a diversion area fire in rural waseca and travel to the high school and then setoff numerous bombs. kill the school resource officer. set fires. >> reporter: the resident reported what she believed to be suspicious activity at the storage facility. >> he shut the door. i thought it funny. normally it doesn't take ten minutes to open a storage shed.
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i called it in. >> reporter: that led police to ladue. police found a locker with bomb making materials. >> guns, ammunition and paper work documents his plans were recovered and removed from the home. >> reporter: the investigation started in late march when police began discovering devices at an elementary school playground. a place ladue used as a testing ground. he was going to target students at the waseca high school. and he expected s.w.a.t. teams to kill him. he originally wanted to carry out on april 20th to commemorate the massacre of columbine, but could not because it was easter sunday and school was not in session. >> this is a lead of a lucky break or believe, as i do, god was looking out for us. >> reporter: a small minnesota town thankful this was not another town in a long list of tragic school shootings.
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we don't know if john david ladue has an attorney. we talked to his mom earlier and she did not to talk about the circumstances. he is facing two counts of criminal damage to property and four counts of attempted murder and explosive charges. thank you. whatever you are doing, look at the video. we have something you don't want to miss. two women's actions saved a bus full of students. look at this. >> betty and her sister beth were at a red light and noticed flames shooting from a school bus. they knew they had to do something. >> it was smoking real bad and we just knew we had to get those kids out of the bus. we were running on the side of the bus and we have the flashers on. we're honking. we're screaming. my sister was out of the vehicle screaming at them. >> i had to give them something. a plaque or something. they helped also. >> all 23 students, by the way
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and three chaperons and bus driver were able to escape that burning bus. kudos to the women. another woman we are talking about though. you did not know her name last week, but she is at the center of the donald sterling scandal. >> v. stiviano, she is not just defending the troubled team owner, donald sterling. she is calling herself his best friend and his silly rabbit. yeah. you will hear what else she had to say. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [male announcer] glucerna... most of the time people are shocked when we show them where they're getting the acid, and what those acids can do
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including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. take the next step. talk to your doctor. this is humira at work.
5:30 am
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30 minutes past the hour. hopefully the coffee is kicking in. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. in afghanistan, 2,700 people are feared dead in a massive landslide. authorities will not uncover people buried in the rubble. they are declaring it a mass grave. number two, secretary of state john kerry says the united states is willing to help nigeria rescue more than 220 girls kidnapped from their families. the nigerian government says of 276 victims kidnapped last
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month, 53 girls had escaped. number three, deadly virus from the middle east has spread to the u.s. for the first time. the cdc says the man from indiana has contacted the mers virus. the man returned from a trip to saudi arabia and placed in isolation. it poses a low risk to the general public. number four, the teenager who stowed away from the flight from san diego to hawaii is no longer in custody. they say he is safe. he hopped an airport fence and jumped into a wheel well of a boeing 757. five now, senator tim kaine is throwing support behind hillary clinton. this could be a big win for
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clinton. kaine is expected to make a short speech this morning in south carolina. a legal battle could be brewing against clippers owner donald sterling and the nba. between those two. to sterling, a fight of the lifetime ban of the game and potential loss of the team. >> joining us from new york is paul callan and joey jackson. good morning, gentlemen. glad to have you both here. i have been listening to people and as vile as the comments and they hate it, the question comes up, how can sterling lose his job for conversations he said in private. paul, let's start with you. >> you know, this is something a lot of people would worry about. because people say, of course, things in private conversations that are inappropriate and never thinking it will go public. can you lose your job as a
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result or can he lose ownership of a $1 billion asset. this is something all of the owners have to worry about because when they have this meeting, they will vote to accept or reject this lifetime ban or selling of the team. they have to say have i said something myself that could be made public that would cause me to lose ownership of the team. i think there is a difference in this case in that the league is overwhelmingly african-american and the public image of the league has been tarnished by having him as a owner. we are not talking random comments. we are talking about something that goes to the heart of the nba. who the nba players are and his contempt for them. this is a little different than an isolated insult thrown in a conversation. >> joey, this interview, this "20/20" interview with barbara walters and v. stiviano. she calls herself his personal archivist. recording his conversations as a
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job. i don't know if there is a contract there, but if this punishment from commissioner silver, is based on the recording, which was obtained legally, does this still hold up? >> it absolutely does. first of all, good morning, victor, good morning, christi, good morning, paul. the writing is on the wall. victor, it is about a standard of care. we could attack the victim and say a number of things about her. was she recording him in the archivist or acting in another capacity. it boils down to what he did, not what she did. what i mean by that, victor, there is a certain standard of care you are applied to as an owner. does what you do bring, you know, some disrepute on to your franchise or organization as a whole. if it does, and the value of your franchise and collectively of the nba's otherwise tarnished or in danger of the result of the conduct, the nba is
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empowered to act under the bylaws and constitution and did properly act. i see at the end of the day, victor, this certainly is upheld. >> okay, so paul, let me just put you in a position here. if you were representing donald sterling right now, what is the best defense strategy you would offer? >> well, i'd be doing some behind the scenes lobbying, which is often what lawyers do and actually the most highly compensated lawyers don't go into courtrooms. they are good lobbyists. they should be talking to and his lawyers should talk to other members of the nba organization and say listen, this could happen to any one of you. you will set a precedent here. everything you say in private will be scrutinized. some enemy will try to use this to take your team away. i would be trying to negotiate a more palatable exit.
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an exit where he walks off with dignity. i think he will stay out. this is a question of having it done in a dignified manner. >> joey, a divorce filing by donald sterling or his while, rochelle sterling, could that stall the nba owners push to have him sell the team? if you have to protracted fight over assets and that could go on for years, would that push things to the back burner? >> you know, interestingly enough, victor, when it comes to law, everything seems to take time. i am one of the lawyers that is of the view it will have no impact on this and here's why. divorce, victor, it is about evaluating property. i know it is community property. it is equally distributed and fair. i don't believe a divorce proceedings will effect the nba's action or ultimately what happens here.
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there is a value the husband or wife is owed, put it in the pot and leave it to the side. once it is cleared out, everybody gets what they get in the proportionate value. this divorce will hold or stall things. it is a separate proceedings. as long as the end of the day, the husband and wife gets the fair value. it is appropriate and it is fair. i think life goes on in the nba without mr. sterling. >> all right. joey jackson and paul callan, good to have you on the story that is more bizarre day by day. >> who is v. stiviano? that is what i want to know. that is what we will take away from this. >> she is, by her own, i guess, description, silly rabbit. >> she said silly rabbit. there you go. >> stand by for the twitter handle. see you. >> thanks, gentlemen.
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>> bye, paul. celebration after tragedy. we will tell you how one couple started a new life after a tornado ripped away their old one. >> their inspirational story is next. plus a look at your weekend forecast. [ female announcer ] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels
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if you need a little inspiration, this is where you will get it. this arkansas couple proofs if you are in it for the long haul, randy and his fiancee are
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turning tragedy into a celebration. they decided to get married on the foundation of the home that was destroyed in the tornado. >> they planned to marry in a few weeks, but sped up the nuptials when they realized how precious life is. >> congratulations to them. thankfully this weekend is a gorgeous one for most of the country. >> at least hope it will be. karen maginnis is here with the forecast. >> christi and victor, quite different than seven days ago with the outbreak of severe weather. we have a bit of severe weather. thunderstorms rumbling in tampa. take a look at the tower view of the city of atlanta. thunderstorms are knocking on your door. a couple of inches of rain. record rainfall in the past several days.
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you will see another 1 or 2 inches and localized watches issued as well. take a look at some of the rainfall totals. in tampa, 3.11 inches of rain. that was a report daily rainfall total. if you are headed out toward the kentucky derby, it looks like a nice forecast ahead for you. those temperatures are expected to be in the 70s. you are looking at just a 10% chance of a shower and that is just about it. heavy rain in the northwest coming up. back to you guys. >> karen maginnis, good to see you. thank you. washington and hollywood gearing up to get together tonight for the white house correspondents dinner. >> president obama is juggling the crisis in ukraine and more backlash over benghazi. will he be able to cut loose? >> we'll see.
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feed your lawn. feed it! good morning. i'm michael smerconish. we will hear from donald sterling's girlfriend, v. stiviano. also, who celebrities can teach politicians and we're not talking fashion. a right wing radio host goes rogue and locks himself in the studio. it has the makings of the thriller because it is. christi and victor, we will see you here at 9:00. >> michael, thank you. it is the one night of the year where washington kicks back, relaxes and laughs. maybe not the one night. the night they do it in front of cameras. the partisan bickering turns into joking at the white house correspondents dinner. >> president obama will do comedy. he has heavy issues.
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economy and obamacare and ukraine and approval rating at a new low. you have to wonder how this works. joining us is robert zimmerman and alex castianos. >> good morning. >> good morning. robert, how do you think this will play out tonight? >> i think this is going to play out just fine. remember, you have an audience of 2,800 people in tuxedos and gowns. they have one objective. to run around the room and grab a selfie with anyone that looks familiar. for the public at large, it is the chance for president obama to use the occasion to reframe the discussion and point on out the absurdity of politics and point out the humor of the government. >> alex, there have been times in the past where a joke has worked in the room. for example, when president george w. bush talked about
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looking for the weapons of mass destruction. he is looking under his desk and with the dog outdoors. outside of that room, that joke may not have played well. talk about the line of laughing at one own's shortcomings or mistakes? >> that is one of the challenges for president obama tonight to reconnect with the press. you know, he has lost a lot of his magic. we're in the post-presidential depression period. i think as you were saying, he has had a tough time internationally and at home, his numbers are down. what he needs to do is tell them the truth. if he has fun like that, if he is self deprecating humor, he will connect. the president is never really good at that. he is better with the sharp jab that pokes fun at a donald trump or pokes fun at somebody in the media. he has not been good at poking
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fun at himself. >> okay. let's talk a bit about that. robert, i want to ask you, there are some really good zingers. you think they might hit a little below the belt. does any of that, does it echo with them, any of the politicians or people as they leave for the night? >> you know, i think realistically, i don't think it will impact the immigration bill, but it is an issue the pundits dwell on. i think what is important, the president does poke fun at himself sometimes, the line he will learn to speak without a prompter. he wants biden to speak with a prompter. when he goes after the issues he faces. i think that's where i think the zingers are important because it
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puts in perspective the absurdity in washington. >> alex, kathleen parker has a piece in the post where she says the rest of the world could not care less about the dinner but washington is out of touch with regular americans and journalists are too schmoozy with officialdom. >> i think that is what america sees. that is why this dinner has lost some of its magic, too. this is washington elite hanging out with another washington elite and very far from the trials and tribulations from the americans and their daily lives. the president is in a weakened state politically. that is when there is blood in the water and that is when the sharks come out. when he was a brand new president and people were excited about him, that was very different than the situation he is in today. >> alex, lighten up a little bit.
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this is an evening where very frankly you may call it elite, but they think lindsay lohan is a celebrity. >> all right. alex and robert, you will have a lot to say when this is over. thank you, gentlemen. royalty is in the house. >> prince william and his brother harry are in the u.s. you want to know why. stick around. a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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bode miller was inspired to start turtle ridge after a close friend suffered an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. >> wanted to help to get him involved in sports. to watch him go through that, i saw how hard it was and little support there was for him. people in a wheelchair or handicapped, we provide the sporting equipment for them and the environment that allows them to participate in whatever sport. >> once a year, skiers flop to bode fest in new hampshire for a day of fund raising and a chance for kids to race. >> he is really cool. >> these are my super g skis. for you watching the run, that run was the best i skied all
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year. >> it is a chance to test the equipment the foundation developed. >> i never thought i would be able to ski, but this program has changed my opinion on adaptive sports. >> we built the ski equipment and you give it to a kid who never had a chance to go up and experience what it is to ski down a giant mountain. it is incredible how life changing that can be for them. >> it is incredible. britain's princes took a private tour of elvis' estate. guess who else was in graceland. >> very exciting stuff. we did not know until yesterday that the princes were coming here. >> he is lovely. we actually see our prince and our future king in memphis. at the king's house.
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>> king meets the king. thanks for starting your morning with us. so glad to have you here with us. we are back at the top of the hour. right now you have "smerconish." >> good morning. i'm michael smerconish. first off, v. stiviano. the alleged mistress of donald sterling has broken her silence. c candidly, she says sterling is traumatized and confused. can sterling be forced to sell the l.a. clippers? we will talk to steve cooley and an attorney about the legal line defense. and republicans are shouting cover up. the only cover up is in your gop conspiracy theories. we will talk to the daily


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